腹部除皱vs. 抽脂|唐纳森整形外科-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网



腹部除皱vs. 脂肪

What Is 的 Difference Between 抽脂术 & 腹部除皱术? 

抽脂术 removes excess fat from a specific part of the body. 腹部除皱手术更彻底, stomach-focused procedure that involves the removal of excess fat, removal of loose skin and the reconstruction of the abdominal muscles. 



抽脂术 is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure designed to help a patient target fat loss in problematic areas – usually in the stomach, 大腿, 背部和/或手臂. 第一个, a small incision is made before a metal tool (called a “cannula”) is inserted into the desired area. 的 cannula is attached to a suctioning device. 的 liposuction surgeon proceeds to move the tube back and forth, breaking up fat cells and removing them from the body. 

虽然具体的技术可能会有所不同, 整个过程变得更加安全, more efficient and more comfortable for patients over time. 抽脂术 is an excellent option for those looking to get over the final stubborn hurdles of their weight loss, 健身或自信之旅. 

腹部除皱 Surgeons Performing Procedure


腹部除皱 (also known as Abdominoplasty) is a procedure that is more intensive when compared to 抽脂术 because it not only removes fat from the abdominal area but also removes loose skin and restores weakened stomach muscles to create a more defined and contoured look. 

一旦澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台被完全麻醉, a horizontal incision is made across the lower abdomen from hip to hip, then a vertical incision is made between the belly button and the first incision above the pubic mound. 然后将腹部皮肤抬起, underlying muscles are sewn together and repaired while the belly button is preserved. 从这里, the upper abdominal skin is pulled down and the excess skin – with attached fat – is trimmed away. 的 surgeon may also couple the 腹部除皱 procedure with 抽脂术 to remove even more fat from the body. Once completed, the incisions are closed using sutures, adhesives and/or clips.

腹部除皱vs. 抽脂术


While the 腹部除皱 is typically reserved for higher volume needs, mothers often opt for this procedure as it can help remove excess skin and repair the abdominal wall post-childbirth. 抽脂术 is the ideal choice for patients who are close to reaching their goals but can’t quite get over that final hurdle. A non-surgical option called Coolsculpting may be an excellent option for those who are close to their goals and are simply looking to reduce fat in a specific area – instead of seeing a number change on the scale! 

有其他问题吗 differences between 腹部除皱 and 抽脂术? Our experts are on standby to put your mind at ease and help figure out which procedure is best for you and your goals! 



委员会认证的整形外科医生 杰弗里·唐纳森,医学博士 has performed hundreds of successful 腹部除皱 and 抽脂术 procedures throughout his 20+ years in the industry. Throughout the one-on-one consultation process, he helps patients determine which option is best for them, their goals and their unique circumstances.

