




抽脂技术 自1975年成立以来有了显著改善吗. 更好的仪器设计, 强大的吸, 更有针对性的药物浸润, and applied ultrasonic and laser technologies allow larger amounts of fat to be removed safely with less pain, 瘀伤和恢复时间.

This minimally invasive surgical procedure can target and isolate particular areas, 使其成为最受欢迎的身体轮廓澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网. 我们想拉开窗帘给大家看一下 抽脂过程中会发生什么 — depending on the patient’s needs and our surgeons’ best recommendations. 

Note: This article showcases what happens in the operating room when 抽脂术 is performed on its own, 如果和另一个澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网结合在一起,比如 Tummy Tuck or 隆胸.



大容量时采用全身麻醉 抽脂术 or when multiple areas are being treated at once; 局部麻醉 with oral pain medication may be used when the area is small or isolated. Custom compression garments are fitted to your body before the patient leaves the operating room. This supportive clothing reduces swelling and helps the skin conform to the thinner underlying contour.


一旦澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台注射了适当的镇静剂, 几个小的(5毫米或1/4英寸), well-hidden incisions are used to access the underlying fat through the skin. Often a freckle or small skin fold is chosen to camouflage the scar. A thin tube or cannula is used to introduce the tumescent solution.


Tumescent fluid is a solution used during surgery to provide pain relief while also minimizing bleeding and bruising. The formula is most often comprised of lidocaine (numbing medication), 静脉输液和肾上腺素(肾上腺素). 

Dr. 唐纳森和 Dr. Sieffert 建议对最常见的脂肪区域进行肿胀. This technique — sometimes referred to as super wet or suction-assisted 抽脂术 (SAL) — is often considered the safest and most predictable because it does not entail destructive energy sources.

Dr. 唐纳森正在做抽脂手术


Next, a series of Mercedes-tip lipo cannulas of varying caliber are used to dislodge fat and carry it away through a suction apparatus. Our expert surgeons use a controlled back-and-forth motion to steadily and evenly remove the unwanted fat from the target area. This technique is smooth and reliable, with no risk of burns or damage to the overlying skin. The entry incisions are closed with dissolvable sutures and surgical glue. 

This surgical method works especially well under the chin (wattle), 上臂后面(蝙蝠翅膀), 在小腹和两侧(腰部), 大腿外侧(鞍袋), 大腿内侧和膝盖, 在臀部的折痕下(香蕉卷).

VaserLipo: Ultrasound-Assisted 抽脂术 For More Strenuous Circumstances

超声辅助吸脂术(UAL), the surgeon uses high-frequency sound waves at the tip of the small cannulas to cavitate and emulsify the fat before removing it. This method generally makes it easier to release stubborn fat that would not respond to SAL alone; however, it carries a slightly higher risk that is unnecessary for the majority of cases.

Vaser UAL Is Usually Reserved For Tougher, More Fibrous Areas, Including:

Determining if ultrasound-assisted 抽脂术 is right for a patient
  • 脖子后面
  • The back
  • 腋窝下
  • 上腹部和下胸腔
  • Any areas where 抽脂术 has been performed previously (creating underlying scar tissue)
  • 几乎男性的任何部位,包括胸部(男性乳房症)


“Liposculpture” has taken the discipline of 抽脂术 to another level with consideration of deeper and more superficial layers of fat and their removal and manipulation. Fat that is removed from one area may be injected or grafted into another area. Patients with a greater volume of fat can now undergo body contouring with greater precision and predictability as well.

“Focal” or “micro-抽脂术” can help with even the most subtle and nuanced locations by using extremely small instruments and fine-motor surgical movements.



杰弗里·唐纳森,医学博士是一位受人尊敬的 俄亥俄州哥伦布市的整形外科医生. 在他18年多的任期内,他演出了无数次 为满意的患者成功进行抽脂手术.

Dr. Donaldson is constantly researching the newest techniques and variations of 抽脂术 to best serve his patients along their self-confidence journeys and further educate individuals everywhere about the art of plastic surgery. 


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