Your Reason For Having A 隆胸 Is The Right One-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网


By 杰弗里·唐纳森, MD |

The Reason You Want To Get A 隆胸 Is The Right One

Real Patients Explain Why They Chose Donaldson整形外科 & Share Their Personal Experiences 

Our patients’ confidence is our number one priority, one of the most common surgical procedures that boost the self-esteem of our patients is breast augmentation. 它很精致. 是一丝不苟的. 这真的会改变你的生活! And we believe that 你的 决定 to have this procedure performed is valid so long as it is genuinely 你的 决定. 

We invite you to hear from just some of our most recent patients, learn more about their reasons for having surgery and see how their confidence grew! 


“Something that really stuck with me is when I actually went into the operating room. Dr. Donaldson held my hand right before he put me under, it just put me at ease. 我刚刚有了一次很棒的经历.”


“Three weeks after surgery, I was back on the treadmill, back to doing my everyday life. And I could not be happier with the whole experience.”


“多年来, 有了孩子之后, I felt like my breasts were empty, 松弛的,松弛的松弛的,松弛的. I wanted to replace the fullness and get a natural lift. If you are interested in changing 你的 look and want to feel more confident, 我强烈推荐Dr。. Donaldon办公室.” 


“I felt right at home when I came in. I had been to previous consultations and it felt rushed – like I was just another patient. 但博士. Sieffert addressed my concerns really well. By the time I left the consultation, I knew she was going to be my surgeon! They make you feel like a person.”


“我喜欢看着自己. I’m just amazed from my before pictures to my after pictures. Just the feeling I have, being able to move, things are in place — it’s a wonderful feeling. 再也不会出疹子了! It’s just great – the way I feel and what they gave me. 这是美妙的.”


“I was reading a Google Review and somebody said that Dr. Donaldson’s patients heal the fastest and I was like ‘That’s perfect!’ I came in and the second I walked through the door, I knew this was where I was going to go for my surgery.” 

Have You Been Thinking About Surgery? 

As all of the above patients can attest to, our experienced staff and breast augmentation surgeons in Columbus, OH are here to welcome you with open arms and open minds. We want to discuss 你的 personal confidence goals before helping you decide which solution is best for you. We invite you to reach out to us today and get started with Donaldson整形外科. 


杰弗里·唐纳森,医学博士 is an esteemed breast augmentation surgeon in Columbus, Ohio. Throughout his 20+ years of experience, he has helped countless women feel their absolute best through his advanced surgical techniques.



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CoolTone is a non-surgical body contouring treatment that can give you that toned & defined look you've always wanted, but can't quite get to through diet & 锻炼独自. Experience each step of the process with a real Donaldson整形外科 patient!